
Pre-screened buyers, actively searching for a business

Aldes Business Brokers have a wide range of pre-screened registered buyers who have the available finances to buy your business, right now.

South Africa

2 Pre-screened Buyers

Buyer looking for Manufacturing Gauteng or elsewhere

  • Sectors:
  • Manufacturing
  • Food
  • Cash deposit available
  • Interested in partnership
R 105,000,000
R 821,120
Tommie Cronje
The buyer is a full-time professional who is looking for a solid investment. He will only oversee operations thus his interest lies in a company with a management team (structure) in place. The buyer is a full-time professional who is looking for a solid investment. He will only oversee operations thus his interest lies in a company with a management team (structure) in place. less

Buyer looking for New franchise Gauteng or elsewhere

Gauteng / Western Cape
  • Sectors:
  • New franchise
  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Cash deposit available
  • Interested in partnership
R 28,000,000
R 5,053,012
Tommie Cronje
Well educated and well rounded individual with over 25 years experience in franchising with my primary focus on business strategy. Well educated and well rounded individual with over 25 years experience in franchising with my primary focus on business strategy. less

R40.00 mil

Pre-screened Buyers

We have buyers who have the available finances to buy your business, right now.


Signed NDA's in last 12 months

Our Premium buyers have been vetted, and their proof of funds has been verified.

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